Happy Earth Day!
Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. No, this is not a chance to debate climate change. Today is a chance to celebrate our home planet.
As much as I encourage preserving and protecting leather goods to reduce consumption, today is a reminder that I should be working to help preserving and protecting the Earth.
One item on my bucket list is to visit every U.S. National Park.
I love wild and beautiful places and this country is filled with them. I need to do my part to leave the planet better than I found it and help protect those places.
That starts at home with my personal behavior and the choices I make to reduce my footprint, but it goes further. Those practices should be incorporated into my business.
For Blackrock, I've started thinking of changes I can make to implement sustainable business practices and have a positive impact on the environment.
A few components:
✅ Plastic reduction: We currently use plastic jars, but is glass a better option?
✅ Supply Chain Analysis: Reducing resources used during the manufacturing process.
✅ Refillable program: Can this be implemented to be a sustainable way?
✅ Ecommerce Packaging: Look for ways to reduce waste.
As I've started research, more questions have risen than answers but I am committed to learning and improving. Small changes over time will lead to a big impact.
If you have resources you've found helpful or actions you've implemented, please share them. I'd love to hear about them so I can improve!
Motion graphic: @steinborn.co
Original designs: @joshuaminnich