Back in November 2020, I started running into serious supply chain issues with lids. Everyone was sold out.

At one point, I was buying lids from 5 different vendors and using any color available in the size I needed. It was a mess, but I needed lids to keep Blackrock in stock.

To solve the issue, I started working on having a custom lid manufactured for Blackrock. This would guarantee that I have a steady supply of lids and eliminate the patchwork approach of the last two years.

Plus, I would have a custom lid for Blackrock that no one else on the market is using.

After 21 months of work, I'm excited to announce, the lids have arrived.

Scroll below to read about the process.


The process involved multiple steps, a lot of delays, and patience.
First, a mockup was done of the artwork on the cap. After that, a steel embossing tool was made with the cap artwork.
Once the tool was made a sample pressing run was done to see how the tool would stamp the artwork. This is done to ensure the artwork is correct before stamping onto the actual lids.
Once the samples were approved, a production date was set and the lids were manufactured.
Now my warehouse is stocked with 120,000 lids that were Made in the USA.


To source lids, I could have found a manufacturer overseas through Amazon or Alibaba that had a cheap and quick solution.

However, it is a core value at Blackrock to have things Made in the USA.

The company that makes Blackrock's lids is based in Glen Dale, West Virginia.

I'm proud that our lids are Made in America using American steel. It is worth the investment.